The Story Behind Our Fire Security Business Start-Up

Graham’s Toolbox background comes from studying and working in the private fire investigation field for over five years. During that time, we worked with electrical and mechanical engineers to see how a variety of manufactured products operate as well as how they can malfunction and ultimately start a fire. While representing insurance companies, manufactures, law firms in investigations the realization was made that the courts assignment of blame for the fire did not change the fact that the physical and mental damage had already been done. Since then it has been our goal to evaluate each scenario and make a safer world for everyone.


Head of Operations – Jacob Critchley

We are under the leadership of Jacob Critchley, who has investigated over 300 fire scenes and a variety of experiences that have solidified his understanding of fire science and safety precautions over various fields including the following:

Head of Operations – Jacob Critchley

We are under the leadership of Jacob Critchley, who has investigated over 300 fire scenes and a variety of experiences that have solidified his understanding of fire science and safety precautions over various fields including the following:


Educational Experience

  • Bachelors of Science in Fire, Arson, and Explosion Investigation from Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), 2013
  • Master's in Occupational Safety Administration from Eastern Kentucky University, 2019
  • Thesis Topic: Investigator's Ability to Identify Physical Damage on Electrical Conductors

Professional Career

  • Five Years of Field Experience as a Private Fire Investigator
  • Certifications: Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI)
  • Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI)
  • Certified Fire Investigation Instructor (CFII)
  • Three Years Construction Site Safety Management

Graham’s Toolbox Traction

Our company has gone through the following steps to ensure that we are offering you reliable products:

  • Proof of concept and materials research completed by Ohio State University’s Center for Design Manufacturing Excellence (CDME)
  • Research conducted with current mechanical/ electrical contractors
  • Working prototype research and design by Design Integrity
  • US patent for Utility of Appliance Fire Suppression System awarded
  • International patent application submitted
  • Pursuing contracts with manufacturers and construction companies

Amplify Your Fire Prevention

Learn more about the risks that structure fires by reading the 2017 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) research results.